Our Story

Many families face challenges in education. Parents often feel helpless and confused when trying to meet their children's needs and expectations. In order to help these families better cope with various problems in education, a parent-child education service called Together We Learn LLC has emerged.

woman walking in forest with child
woman walking in forest with child

Together We Learn LLC is committed to providing comprehensive and personalized educational support to families. Its core concept is to help every family find the most suitable solution in the educational process through scientific educational methods and warm service.

The core of the service includes the following aspects:

Personalized Education Assessment

First, a detailed assessment of the family’s educational situation will be conducted. By gaining an in-depth understanding of the child’s learning situation, emotional state, and family education style, the professional team can accurately identify existing problems and develop personalized solutions.

Family Communication Guidance

In the Family Communication Workshop, parents will learn how to communicate effectively with their children. The course content covers how to listen to children, how to express their expectations, and how to build mutual trust in communication. This way of communication can not only improve parent-child relationships, but also reduce conflicts in education.

Learning strategy support

In response to the specific learning needs of children, the professional team provides a series of learning strategies, including how to develop a reasonable learning plan and how to enhance children's learning interest through games and interactive activities. These strategies are designed to help children maintain their enthusiasm in the learning process and improve learning outcomes.

Emotional management training

Emotional management is an important part of education. Through emotional management training, parents and children can learn to identify and regulate emotions and find effective coping methods. This can not only help children cope with learning pressure, but also promote family harmony and happiness.

Customized learning plans and support

To help children make better progress in their studies, parent-child education services provide customized learning plans and support. This service aims to develop personalized learning strategies based on each child’s unique needs and learning style to enhance their academic performance and learning interest.

  • Initial Assessment: At the beginning of the service, the educational consultant will conduct a detailed assessment of the child's learning habits, academic performance, and areas of interest. This usually includes interviews with parents and children, analysis of the child's homework and test results, etc.

  • Customized Learning Plan: Based on the assessment results, the consultant will develop a tailored learning plan. This plan not only takes into account the child's academic needs, but also incorporates their interests and learning styles. For example, for a visual learner, the plan may include more images and charts; for a hands-on child, it may include experiments and hands-on activities.

  • Regular Progress Tracking: The consultant will regularly track the child's learning progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the customized plan, and make adjustments as needed. This may include monthly progress reports, communication meetings with parents, and additional support for learning difficulties.

  • Learning Resource Recommendations: To support the child's learning, the service will recommend appropriate learning resources, such as books, online courses, or educational software. These resources will be combined with the learning plan to provide additional learning support and motivation.

  • Study Skills Training: In addition to academic content, the service also includes training in children's learning skills, such as time management, organizational skills, and test-taking skills. These techniques help children study and revise more effectively.

Parent-child communication and relationship strengthening workshop

This service aims to improve the way family members communicate and strengthen parent-child relationships. Through a series of workshops and interactive activities, it helps parents and children develop better communication habits and improve the overall harmony of the family.

  • Communication Basics Training: At the beginning of the workshop, professional instructors will teach the basic principles of communication, including active listening, non-violent communication techniques, and emotional expression methods. Parents and children will learn how to effectively express their needs and feelings while respecting each other's opinions and feelings.

  • Role Playing and Simulation Exercises: Through role playing and simulation exercises, family members will experience different communication situations and practice how to apply the communication skills learned in real situations. This interactive approach can help them better understand each other's position and improve their ability to resolve conflicts.

  • Emotion Management and Support: In addition to communication skills, the workshop also covers emotion management. Family members will learn how to identify and deal with negative emotions, as well as how to provide emotional support to each other. This helps to create a more understanding and supportive environment within the family.

  • Interactive Games and Activities: To enhance parent-child relationships, the workshop also includes some fun interactive games and activities. These activities not only strengthen the connection between family members, but also allow them to practice communication skills in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere

  • Ongoing Support and Feedback: After the workshop, the service also provides ongoing support and feedback. Family members can discuss communication challenges encountered in real life through regular follow-up meetings and receive additional advice and guidance.